Category Archives: Synchronicity

The Power of Synchronicity (“Mind-Releasing & Community-Building”)

When Swiss psychiatrist C.G. Jung wrote his 1952 essay “Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle” he provided several examples of the experiences he called synchronicities. Sometimes also referred to as “meaningful coincidence” or “acausal parallelism” synchronicity generally involves three ingredients: a) … Continue reading

Posted in Depth Psychology, Dreams, Synchronicity | Leave a comment

The Individual & Community (“The Interpretation of a Dream”)

  On the morning of September 13, 2005, Deborah Louis woke up in her Texas home dreaming of an image. She reached for her pen and jotted it down, later transferring it to her computer.  She also wrote down a … Continue reading

Posted in Art/Creativity, Depth Psychology, Dreams, Synchronicity | Leave a comment

The Epic Behavior of Carlos Estevez (“What’s in a Name?”)

This week’s blog takes a somewhat lighthearted view of a phenomenon that some of you may have noticed from time to time. Mythfire’s interest in this phenomenon was piqued a couple weeks back after reading a footnote in C.G. Jung’s … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Depth Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Puer Aeternus, Synchronicity | Leave a comment

Mythfire Looks Forward (“The Power of the Unconscious”)

Mythfire is a work in progress. Whether we look at ourselves individually or collectively aren’t we all a work in progress? This is one of the most basic themes of this blog site. Another basic theme of this site is … Continue reading

Posted in Depth Psychology, Synchronicity | Leave a comment