Category Archives: Imagination

Heaven: Many Hints, One Hypothesis (“Paging Dr. Hawking”)

“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” Perhaps the most distinguished … Continue reading

Posted in Depth Psychology, Dreams, Imagination, Myth | 4 Comments

In the Aftermath of Tucson II (“Moral Imaginations”)

At about the twenty minute mark of his memorial address in Tucson last month, President Obama included these impassioned words: “But what we can’t do is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on one another. As we … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Depth Psychology, Fundamentalism/Literalism, Imagination, Myth, Politics, Tucson, Violence | Leave a comment

In the Aftermath of Tucson (“Consciousness of Failure”)

In the wake of the shootings in Tucson, New York Times journalist David Brooks has an Op-Ed today entitled “Tree of Failure.”In this thoughtful piece of writing, Brooks discusses civility in a manner which some people no doubt will have … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Depth Psychology, Imagination, Politics, Puer Aeternus, Tributes, Tucson, Violence | Leave a comment

Myth & Justice VI.5 (“In God/dess We Trust – Part III”)

“From of old I was poured forth…” With a title like “In God/dess We Trust” some readers might be inclined to view this and the last two blog entries as “New Agey.” After all, they emphasize the return of a real … Continue reading

Posted in Depth Psychology, Imagination, Justice, Myth | Leave a comment

Myth & Justice (“Image is Everything”)

One of the objectives of Mythfire is simply to build a deeper appreciation for what myth is. Another objective is to show how the combined study of myth and application of psychology contribute to a fuller picture of human nature. … Continue reading

Posted in Imagination, Justice, Myth | Leave a comment