Category Archives: Justice

These Dark Times: A Tarot Meditation

Recently, a friend and colleague of mine wrote an essay entitled “Dark Times” in which she expressed recurring feelings of “powerlessness and despair” during these times that undeniably are so very dark for many of us. I instantly saw the … Continue reading

Posted in Art/Creativity, Culture, Justice, Politics | 2 Comments

Myth & Justice VI.7 (“Restorative Justice II”)

In the previous blog the phrase “restorative justice” referred to Mythfire’s contention that a balance between masculine and feminine, thinking and feeling must be restored to our contemporary understanding of jurisprudence.  This “Myth & Justice” series as a whole has admittedly … Continue reading

Posted in Depth Psychology, Justice, Myth, Symbols, Typology | 1 Comment

Myth & Justice VI.6 (“Restorative Justice”)

The six installments in this “Myth & Justice VI” blog post are all connected to the idea of empathy as a rational concern for the plight or well-being of the other or others. These and the previous series installments have … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Fundamentalism/Literalism, Justice, Symbols, Typology | Leave a comment

Myth & Justice VI.5 (“In God/dess We Trust – Part III”)

“From of old I was poured forth…” With a title like “In God/dess We Trust” some readers might be inclined to view this and the last two blog entries as “New Agey.” After all, they emphasize the return of a real … Continue reading

Posted in Depth Psychology, Imagination, Justice, Myth | Leave a comment

Myth & Justice VI.4 (“In God/dess We Trust – Part II”)

This entry briefly turns to one of literature’s greatest epics to shed further light on ideas expressed in the last blog. Upon his return home in The Odyssey, Odysseus lays waste to the suitors who have plagued his court in … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Fundamentalism/Literalism, Justice, Myth, Symbols | Leave a comment