Category Archives: Mythic Interludes

Why Must We Always Get Mad in March? (“An Interlude on ‘The Big Dancer'”)

Last week the St. John’s men’s basketball team beat Rutgers in a game that may be best remembered for its “wild last minute” of play. With 4.9 seconds left in the game and St. John’s ahead 65-63, Rutgers inbounded the … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Fundamentalism/Literalism, Myth, Mythic Interludes, Play | Leave a comment

The Future of a Fiction – An Interlude (“In the Midst of Play”)

Inter-lude: between, among, in the midst of + play ONE NIGHT A MAN HAS A STRANGE DREAM. He writes it down and takes it to his therapist / analyst. Sinking down into the comfy Lazy-Boy chair in the analyst’s office, … Continue reading

Posted in Dreams, Mythic Interludes, Play | 2 Comments