Category Archives: Play

Harry Potter & The Spiritual Dimension of Play (“The Miracle of the Present Moment”)

“These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today.” These ominous and dreary words are the first ones uttered in the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I. If you have … Continue reading

Posted in Art/Creativity, Cinema, Culture, Depth Psychology, Myth, Play | 1 Comment

Why Must We Always Get Mad in March? (“An Interlude on ‘The Big Dancer'”)

Last week the St. John’s men’s basketball team beat Rutgers in a game that may be best remembered for its “wild last minute” of play. With 4.9 seconds left in the game and St. John’s ahead 65-63, Rutgers inbounded the … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Fundamentalism/Literalism, Myth, Mythic Interludes, Play | Leave a comment

The Future of a Fiction – An Interlude (“In the Midst of Play”)

Inter-lude: between, among, in the midst of + play ONE NIGHT A MAN HAS A STRANGE DREAM. He writes it down and takes it to his therapist / analyst. Sinking down into the comfy Lazy-Boy chair in the analyst’s office, … Continue reading

Posted in Dreams, Mythic Interludes, Play | 2 Comments

Myth & The Symbolic Attitude (Or “The Trappings of Orthodoxy”)

The last blog began with and emphasized the importance of “play” when discussing myth. The entry ended by linking myth to mystery. The present blog continues what might be considered an introduction to myth by describing one or two things … Continue reading

Posted in Fundamentalism/Literalism, Imagination, Myth, Play, Symbols | Leave a comment

Myth – A Preliminary “Playful” Definition (Or “Why So Serious???”)

Discussing myth, religion or any other subject held sacrosanct by its adherents can quickly become a very serious matter indeed. Mythfire will strive to take a slightly different approach – a more playful approach. However, “play” here is meant in … Continue reading

Posted in Cinema, Fundamentalism/Literalism, Imagination, Myth, Play | Leave a comment